2025 Registration: Here We Go Again!!

January 30, 2025
It is that time of year when the Miracle League of Amherstburg Executive come out of hibernation and start planning for the upcoming Spring and Fall seasons. Registration will open on Saturday, February 1st and close on Friday, February 28th. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to enjoy the great game of baseball, meet new friends and get reaquainted with old ones. The Miracle League of Amherstburg has been in existence for 15 years and always welcomes new players each year. Fill out the online registration form and send your $55.00 registration fee through etransfer or choose to pay on site on the first wwk of ball. Once registered you will be assigned to the same team as last year or if you are new to the league you will be assigned a team based on overall numbers. Everyone should hear from their coach by the end of March. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Shawn Dufour at 519-551-4414 or through email at sdufourmiracleleagueaburg2022@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the Spring!